Monday, February 13, 2017

God is either evil, has zero power in this world, or doesn't exist

God is either evil, has zero power in this world, or simply does not exist

Either there is no 'god', at least not a good one, or if such a god does exist has zero powers on Earth, or god is 'bad', an entity that enjoys pain and watching others lives get destroyed.

I've never felt this strongly about it before until today, in that I wonder why, if a god that is 'good', would allow ugliness from your past to resurface, a person who is hell and brings hell with them.

I never could understand why ugly rotten things are always drawn to that which is good or tries to be?

And I've learned this, ugly rotten things, humans, people, cannot change their stripes, no matter what.
An ugly person can become a 'Christian, and their ugly nature will still shine through again eventually, they can become a Muslim, a Monk, almost anything, and eventually their ugly rotten nature will rise to the surface and simply use new medium as a way to exploit and hurt others.

You can try your best to run away from these ugly people and they always seem to find you, as if fate runs them into you again, or just their will to torment.
But regardless of how they come off at first, their ugly nature is just beneath the surface.
When you're sharing, they're simply taking notes on you, to use stuff against you in the future.

Evil people study you for your weaknesses, and then move in to exploit those weakness any way they can, and I'm sick of so called 'God', if such even exists, always allowing ugly people to enter my life.

And Time and Space has taught me that you just can't reason with ugly and evil, your words of wisdom and friendship have zero effect, just flows through them like vapor.

They will pretend to understand simply as a way of earning your trust, then when you open up, their ugly nasty side comes out, and from then on they begin degrading your person, character, physical traits and anything else they can destroy about you, sometimes with subtilties, other times with plain out right angry words and or physical.
The ugly seem to only thrive around the good, you see this dynamic everywhere in life.
The bad always flows towards the good, you see it in immigration, you see it in how criminals always target the innocent and more.
I'm just tired of it, tired of evil.

Tired of a supposed god that always allows evil to trail the good.

I don't even think god can change that which is evil, I think all god or nature can do is eventually destroy it, but not change it.

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