Sunday, November 6, 2016


As predicted here...

As predicted earlier by posts in link, the allure of being a glam queen while serving out prison sentence would soon lose it's a appeal to the young Manning.
It's hard enough doing time as a straight male, it's even harder when trying to do time, around other males of varying maturity levels and backgrounds, while trying to transition into a female, as Manning was trying to do.

It's one thing when in and out of court, pre conviction, and lights and cameras following you around everywhere, saying name and face in papers around the world, on TV ect, but it's another cold reality once behind bars and hidden away from all, buried and forgotten, your world changes real quick.

No more glam, no more favored attention, no more hair and beauty products readily available to use, no more privacy or retreating into own social group for support, all that gone, now you're in prison around street guys with no class or ethics, who simply see you as 'meat'.

Once in prison, these guys, other prisoners, aren't phycologists, and don't care why you want to become a female, all they see you as is meat and a freak to be used and or exploited for personal gain.

For Manning, at first it may of been 'fun', different, to be the focus of so much attention, and or even be flirted with by some and or more. (Since after all they were trying to transition into a woman in a all male facility, so of course that aroused the 'lust' of some in there)

Lust, but I doubt very little respect, and even Manning, as a human, needs respect and dignity to help give life meaning, and sadly in prison I doubt there's any of that, cause once 'used', just seen as meat or a tool.

Then add to that women require a lot of upkeep, especially guys trying to transition over into a woman, always trying to bury their manly traits behind make up ect.

Some males, do to DNA, 'can pass', already, they're already feminine or 'petite' enough where they don't need much cosmetics, but other guys need a bucket of paint to 'pass' for female.

Regular gay guys do not, in that regular gay males aren't 'fem' or trying to be, in fact most regular gay guys are repulsed by anything fem, and is why they're gay.
But cross dressers or trans, on the other hand, get their identities from being 'fem', and being fem required upkeep, and if denied that upkeep, can be hard on a fella who wants to be fem, but can't.

It is in the news that Manning has made at least 2 suicide attempts, so obviously their current conditions are really depressing them, nothing to look forward to in near future, just living around basic minded males with basic needs, prison needs, prison egos, gangs, criminals, killers, thieves and more.
I always thought it odd he'd announce his transitioning into a woman right before going to all male prison, and I found it stupid, and careless to do so.
Now they can't 'hide', and can never try to be a 'male' again, cause in prison they won't allow it, and will always see Manning as a 'punk' or 'sissy', regardless of how they look on the outside.

Been following this story for years and still interested in how it turns out.

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