Friday, October 21, 2016

Assisted Suicide

I never understood why you can be ignored all your life, mean nothing to anyone, then suddenly when want to die, activist fight to prevent that.

They didn't love or care for you while alive, didn't care if you thrived or fell, didn't pay your bills, avoided you in public, judged you when healthy and able to get around, and now during final days, or months of life, want to extend your misery?

As if a week before death, you will somehow then and only then

'Fulfill Gods purpose for your life?'

Really?, as if a week or months before death will come up with cure for cancer, or write a novel, but couldn't do neither while young and healthy..hmm

God totally ignored your aspirations when younger, then 2 weeks from death, suddenly will fulfill all your dreams will doped up on pain killing drugs?

Life is good, for those who want to live, for those who are loved, never been without love, but not everyone has that experience.

Not everyone can afford a Doctor, medical care, and simply die at home naturally anyways do to lack of being looked in on.

If that time should ever arrive for me....well, everyone has to make that decision on their own, and for own reasons.